MORNING HANGOVER: NEW MUSIC FRIDAYRead here.New albums, new songs, new music videos, it's #NewMusicFriday!!!NEW TODAYBilly Ray Cyrus: "You Came Along"Uncle Kracker: "Beach Chair"Harper Grace: "Getaway"Lauren Watkins: "Settling Things"Eli Winders: "Another Love"Sarahbeth Taite: "Diamond and a Baby" SHAYLEN: “Let Me Let You" Tori Martin: "Lost In The Country" Annie Bosko ft Dwight Yoakam: "Heart Burn" [5.31]
Read here.New albums, new songs, new music videos, it's #NewMusicFriday!!!NEW TODAYBilly Ray Cyrus: "You Came Along"Uncle Kracker: "Beach Chair"Harper Grace: "Getaway"Lauren Watkins: "Settling Things"Eli Winders: "Another Love"Sarahbeth Taite: "Diamond and a Baby" SHAYLEN: “Let Me Let You" Tori Martin: "Lost In The Country" Annie Bosko ft Dwight Yoakam: "Heart Burn" [5.31]
JACKANDKITTY.COM: Queer Country Singer Fimone Reflects on Minnesota Roots and Nashville Life in Our Interview